
The University of Verona is a young, research-intensive university based in Verona, Italy – a city dubbed “the heart of the world” and known for its high living standards, idyllic settings and Shakespearean associations. The university is also proud of the high employability rate of its courses: some 82% of Master Degree's graduates found employment within a year of completing their studies. The university currently offers a range of international Master’s degree programmes entirely taught in English:     Comparative European and Non-European Languages and Literatures     Economics     International Economics and Business Management     Linguistics     Mathematics     Medical Bioinformatics     Molecular and Medical Biotechnology The University also offers courses at undergraduate level - mostly in Italian - in the areas of Economics and legal studies; Humanities; Life sciences and health sciences; Science and engineering. Surrounded by over 2,000 years of history and stunning monuments such as the medieval Castelvecchio and Verona’s antique amphitheater, the University of Verona offers a unique environment with an international outlook. The University of Verona currently hosts more than 1,300 international students coming from Countries around the world, including Romania, Albania, Moldova, Spain, Germany, Ukraine, Morocco, Russia, Serbia, Cameroon, the UK, Poland, China, India and Brazil. Fees for international (non-EU) students are very affordable, set at €1,000 per year (~US$1,180), independent of income. Scholarships are available, based on academic merit or financial need. CALL FOR APPLICATION AND SCHOLARSHIPS FOR NON-EU STUDENTS: Call for applications for pre-admission to International Master’s degree programmes at the University of Verona, for non-Eu students holding a foreign academic degree and living outside the European Union. For the academic year 2020/2021, 16 scholarships will be awarded to top candidates from non-Eu countries. Please read carefully the “Call for applications” for further information. Deadline for applications: 31 March 2020, 12.00 pm, noon (Italian time, GMT 1). Need help? Contact us at admissions@ateneo.univr.it You can find the Call for applications and further information at the following link: https://www.univr.it/it/i-nostri-servizi/avvisi/-/avviso-servizio/1890 SCHOLARSHIPS & TUITION FEES The University of Verona offers a range of scholarships to reward excellent students and/or to help those from lower income families. Scholarships are intended to cover part of the Student’s living expenses for each year of study.     Scholarships funded by the University of Verona – International Master’s degrees a.y. 2020/2021     Tuition fees for non-EU students.     Tuition fees, taxes, reductions, benefits based on merit, and tax exemptions – Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees     Regulations on student fees     Part-time work for students OTHER FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES     Scholarships funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs     Invest your Talent in Italy